
Ways we can        you

Insurance Coverage & Benefits

Insurance Coverage & Benefits

 I can review your employer benefits packages and look for resource that you are eligible for that may be useful during this time of healing: gym memberships, mental health resources, additional financial benefits or PTO.

I am happy to do a deep dive on your insurance coverage plan, and identify what you are eligible for and what the expected cost would be.

If I have any questions relating to your medical bills for the coverage of care associated with your child, I will personally reach out to the payer and work through them with the insurance company.

 I can review your employer benefits packages and look for resource that you are eligible for that may be useful during this time of healing: gym memberships, mental health resources, additional financial benefits or PTO.

Can we provide a deep dive on your insurance coverage plan and identify what you are eligible for, as well as what your expected out of pocket costs will be. 

We can conduct a thorough review of your employer benefits package to look for resources that you are eligible for that may be helpful during this time of healing: gym memberships, mental health resources, additional financial benefits, or paid time off. 

If you have any questions relating to your medical bills for the coverage of care associated with your child, I will personally reach out to the payer and work through them with the insurance company on your behalf.

We are here to discuss and explain any medical jargon that may be hidden in your explanation of benefits to determine that you are being appropriately charged for care that was rendered. 

Aubrey's Advocate is proud to offer in-person or virtual training and education, unique to the provider types who we are working with (ER, Labor and Delivery) to select types of providers to discuss perinatal loss and proper emotional support techniques.

Insurance Coverage and
Benefits Understanding

Employer Benefits Advocacy

Billing Advocacy

EOB Explanations

Provider Education

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ways to work with us.